We are continuing our guide to simplify the 2021 NOTY™ Digital Portfolio process. This week we will be working on Section 4, 7, 8 and 9.
Section 4 – References. You will want to begin to think about who your NOTY™ references will be. These are usually people that have seen you in action with children. Sometimes the person can be other local nannies or parents that you have had play dates with. It could be grandparents or neighbors of your charges (Nanny Kids) or even former employees. You will need to list three references along with their information. Be sure to confirm with these individuals that they are willing to talk to someone on the NOTY™ Selection Committee in February of 2021. As they agree to be your reference, fill in their information on the online NOTY™ Portfolio found in your INA member portal. Remember there is a limit of three (3) references.
Section 7 – Certificates or Documentation. In this section, you will want to provide us with any certificates you might have. Certificates from INA Annual Conferences, Nannypalooza, International Nanny Training Day, local nanny support groups, agencies or other nanny training sessions attended can be included. Certificates or proof that you took additional continuing education classes through a local community college that was related to children and/or child development can also be included. They can include college or trade schools where the degree or diploma pertains to child-care. Remember you have a strict limit of fifteen (15) of these. Virtual events are accepted.
Section 8 – Publications and Presentations. Presentations could be any classes you taught to adults regarding care of children or any other child care related topic. Publications could be an article you wrote for a blog or newsletter. Not all NOTY™’s have these so please do not worry if you don’t. It does not disqualify you for NOTY™ in any way. Remember you have a limit of five (5) of these.
Section 9 – Media Appearance and Awards. Media appearances and awards refer to any time you have been interviewed in a professional manner, received or was nominated for an award relating to children.
Not all NOTY™’s have these either and it is rare for there to be many candidates with them. It does not disqualify you for NOTY™ in any way. Remember you have a limit of five (5) of these.
Sections 7, 8 and 9 are all documents that you will need to either have scanned and put into a PDF form. You will be uploading these to the system. When labeling the files, please be sure to have it start with your first name, the name of the program/publication/award/etc and the year to make filing simple. (Example jane.nannypalooza.2016) If you are listing names and links to publications, presentations, media appearances or awards, please type them out and create a PDF to upload with the list and links. This year the Nanny of the Year™ Selection Panel will be very strict with the limit of documents so do not try to put several certificates on one file. The Selection Panel will only look at the maximum number listed in the Portfolio and no more.
Pat yourself on the back. You are over halfway done! And remember that this blog is meant to be a helpful suggestion on how to break down the process and you do not have to use it. If you have any questions please contact INA Membership Services Office by phone at 888.878.1477 or by email at admin@nanny.org. Please include “NOTY Question” in the subject line of your email.