Do you have professional news to share? INA wants to hear about it.

Calling INA members with exciting news!

The International Nanny Association strives to support the in-home childcare industry, especially those who are members of the INA. One way we have done that is to share in their professional successes.

If you or your company has recently experienced some good news, a milestone or breakthrough, we encourage you to share this with our INA office staff. 

It could be a special anniversary year for your business or an award you have received. Maybe you were recognized by national media or finished a degree you have worked very hard on. Send us the information, confirmation of the honor, links for your social media and anything else you would like to say about your big moment to

Pending membership confirmation, verification of the honor, and Board approval, we will celebrate it with you on our social media and tag you in the post. We look forward to hearing about your successes and celebrating that with you and our social media outreach.


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