Helping Your Teen Plan for College

Making the leap from high school to college is a huge change for many students. As young people start planning to set sail on their college journey, there are a lot of things to consider. Here are some helpful tips on helping your teen make a plan for college.

#1: Narrow down the selections.

There are thousands of amazing schools to choose from around the country. It can feel overwhelming trying to determine which colleges to apply to. So, help your teenager by asking some key questions. What kind of campus environment does the school have? Does it have the programs and classes that you’re most interested in? Is it in an area that you want to live? Is it within our financial means? Encourage your student to find a college that they will be able to immerse themselves in and meaningfully participate in. Talk to them about the financial portion, too. Will you pay part or all of their tuition, or will they be expected to take out student loans and apply for scholarships? These kinds of details will determine what schools are the most practical options.

#2: Stay on top of deadlines.

Once you have narrowed down the places that your student wants to apply to make a list of important deadlines. It’s no secret that college applications are involved and take time. So, add deadlines to the calendar and allow time to finish the steps necessary to submit a solid application. If your student makes a mistake because they were rushed or misses a deadline completely, this could negatively impact them and could even prevent them from attending.

#3: Visit in person.

There’s nothing like experiencing things first hand when it comes to choosing the right university. Encourage your student to walk around the campus, talk to students and employees at the college, and get a feel for the culture. Tell your student to imagine what it would be like going there – do they feel connected to the area? What kind of feedback did they get from students? Was the staff helpful and welcoming?  

#4: Know your passions.

Launching a college career means discovering more about who your student is as a person and as an adult. Encourage them to dig deep and take the time to discover and hone their passions. This will help determine what school, program, or degree is best for them. Think about what makes them happy and what they are most enthusiastic about. Knowing this before they start school will help your student be more successful in college classes and help match them with a program that fits their unique personality and skill set.

While planning for college takes a lot of time and research, it is one of the most exciting times of your student’s life. With the right amount of planning and communication, they will find the perfect match and be able to launch into a successful college career. 

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