Why INA Members Should Promote the INA Annual Conference

INA 2015 Annual Conference CancunExtended discounts! Early Bird Conference Discounts expire January 15, 2015.

Aside from your agency attending the conference, we strongly encourage nanny agency to share information about conference with families and nannies associated with their agency. There are so many benefits to your agency along with benefits directly to the nannies and client families that you represent. Communicating with your clients in the form of an email and social media about this upcoming conference not only shows your clients how invested in the industry your agency is, but that you care about the past placements and existing placements you have worked on and want to maintain and nurture those relationships.

  • Education – The education provided during conference for family and agency nannies is extensive. From learning how to manage a family in crisis such as divorce to learning about positive redirection, the conference covers a broad list of topics crucial to career development. Speakers are chosen based on three tracts; Nanny Agency, Nanny, and Newborn Care Specialist Education.
  • Making Your Agency Stand Out – Agencies that support the INA can verbalize this as essentially the Industry seal of approval. It is something your agency can discuss with prospective clients and active clients, making sure they understand your agency encourages the highest level of professionalism in the industry.
  • Benefits of Being Around Like-Minded People – While at conference your agency nannies will have the opportunity to build life long relationships with professionals in the industry that will help them stay connected to the most innovative ways to develop their profession.
  • Retention – As an agency, of course you encourage the long term retention of your nanny placements. Encouraging client families to support sending their nannies to conference is key in maintaining a strong bond between client families and their nanny. It shows the nanny the value that is placed on her position and continuing development.

We encourage you to draft a short and simple blog and email promoting the benefits of conference registration. Share the following clips to support the cause:

We look forward to seeing your agency at the INA’s 30th Annual Conference in Cancun April 23rd-26th.

For more information on registering now visit: 30th Annual INA Annual Conference


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