The INA has 21 unique programs that have been created over our 38 year history designed to support not just our members but the whole nanny industry. These programs are to varying degrees loved and needed but it became clear to us that we needed to have an in-depth evaluation of these programs to determine which were really meeting our vision, mission, and goals.
Over the last few months we reached out to a cross section of our membership asking over 40 strong supporters to help us evaluate if these programs met our mission, are effective, and are valuable enough to continue to invest our time and resources in.
An ad hoc committee was formed in order to do this. They compiled the opinions of these members, evaluated each program, and made recommendations to the INA Board at their virtual March Board Meeting. These recommendations put each program into one of three categories.
- Keep – We will be keeping the following programs, encouraging the committees to make changes as they see necessary and wise.
- Focus On: We plan to keep the following programs but make some changes or updates in the next 12 months.
- Table: We are tabling these programs for 12 months and revisit their use at the 2024 Winter Board Meeting. Please note, we will not be removing what exists from these programs but will not be investing time and financial resources in them for the next 12 months.
These recommendations were accepted by the Board of Directors. You can see them below
- Basic Skills Assessments
- Blog
- Conference (In Person)
- Credential Exams
- Nanny of the Year
- Salary Survey
- Service Award Pin
- Webinars
Focus On
- Ambassadors: We will be refreshing the Ambassador program and Chapter Committee over the next 12 months. COVID waylaid many of the goals of our Ambassadors and a new fresh initiative is needed.
- Conference Virtual: We are considering moving to having a virtual conference at a different time in the year so it would not be connected to the in-person conference. The 2023 Virtual Conference will proceed as scheduled though.
- Facebook Member Group: We are hoping to find member volunteers to encourage more discussion and moderate this more effectively.
- Job Board: We want to work on the visibility of the Job Board and ask those companies who actively use it for suggestions on improving it.
- Meritorious Service Award: We will open nominations for this year round but may not present it to anyone each year.
- Resource Library: We would like to find a few member volunteers to help us add to this part of our website.
- Speed Recruiting: This is a great way to connect our membership but it is time-consuming for the office. So we will move to having this virtually 2 times a year (July and June) as well as at conference in-person.
- Business Support Program: Currently we do not have a board member or volunteer passionate about this.
- Caregiver Mentor Program: With the increased mentorship provided through social media, this program is not used often.
- Collective Connections: We have just one workshop in our library and writing others will take the focused attention of someone in the future.
- Language Translation: We had translated our Basic Skills Assessment into 16 additional languages but only English and Spanish have been used at all. We will keep the Spanish translations of the Basic Skills Assessment and complete the translation of our Credential Exams into Spanish but not focus on any other translations at this point.
- Member Round Tables: This will cease to be a rotating monthly event but may host one or two of them for Caregivers and Businesses if the desire seems there.
- Member Advantage Providers: We will not be removing what currently exists meaning those that are current Member Advantage Providers can continue to be but we will not provide any additional resources to recruiting new providers in the next 12 months.