Nanny Rescue – A Summer Reading List!

I’m bored. I’m bored. I’M BORED!

Parents and nannies alike look forward to those lazy summer days free of schedules, school, activities and homework. What starts out as paradise can quickly turn to boredom. Children need activity, but they also need brain time. So when the pool no longer appeals, the park has become so yesterday, it’s too hot to bike, your suggested game of catch is met with an eyeroll, what do you do?

Turn to a book! Books can transplant tired bodies and busy minds to another place. They reinforce last year’s learning and keep a child’s skills fresh over the summer. Below please find some links to books suggested by elementary school librarians. And while you are reading, you can up the game by making it competitive! Join the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge!

Pre-K to Second Grade

Grades 3 – 5

Grades 6 – 8

Do you have some clear winners in the summer reading challenge? Share below the titles that your children have loved!

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