Serving on the INA Board of Directors
By Laura R Schroeder
Does the idea of serving on the INA Board of Directors interest you, but you’re feeling intimidated? I get it because two years ago that was me. Was I qualified? Would I fit in? Did I have enough time to give? While everyone’s experience is a little bit different, I have truly valued my time on the board and look forward to serving a least two more years, Hopefully, I can answer a few of your questions.
To qualify for the Board of Directors you must be a full member of the INA and have been a member for at least 2 years. You must also have attended an INA conference. That’s it! If you meet those qualifications and are willing to serve, just complete the nomination packet and submit it to the nominating committee. The current Board does not select new Board Members. The nominating committee submits a slate of qualified candidates and the entire membership votes.
Will you fit in? Yes! How do I know? Because a good Board is a diverse Board. We need agency owners, NCS’s, and nannies. We need those with big ideas and those who thrive at details. If you love the INA, then you will fit in because that is one trait we all share. I remember being so intimidated at my first Board Meeting with these powerful leaders in our industry. Now I feel so comfortable with all of them, most of whom I consider to be my close friends.
Do you have enough time? The time commitment is a question that only you can truly answer. Each board member is asked to chair 1 or more committees (I currently chair 4), and they can take anywhere from 1-10 hours per week depending on what’s going on. The time can often be sporadic with some weeks requiring little to no work, and other weeks requiring much more. You are encouraged to get volunteers to help lessen the load, and more experienced Board Members are always willing to help.
If you ever have questions about the Board and what we do, all INA members are welcome to sit in on our Board Meetings. We are here to serve you and your interests, so please share your ideas with us.