Simple Ways to Show Your Nanny How Much You Appreciate Them

INA Blog Simple Ways to Show Your Nanny How Much You Appreciate Them 1By Jori Hamilton

As the old saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a child.” 

If you have a nanny, you know what an integral part of that village they are. 

Finding a nanny you can trust, and someone who works well with your kids can feel like a dream come true, especially for overworked parents who need a helping hand. Showing your nanny how much you appreciate them can go a long way when it comes to your professional relationship. 

If your nanny makes your family’s lives a little easier, sharing that appreciation is important! But, aside from a bonus or increase in their pay (which is almost always welcome), what can you do to show them how much you value what they do?

Understand They Have a Life

Whether your nanny lives with you or not, it’s still important to respect their time. No one works 24/7, and your nanny is entitled to their free time as much as everyone else. Making sure they have a healthy work-life balance will reduce their stress levels and keep them happier. 

Respecting their time also includes respecting their goals. If your nanny is in school, for example, make sure you’re giving them adequate time to attend classes and study. Encourage them to take breaks and even utilize nap time as study time. Being able to manage stress is incredibly important when you’re in school. The last thing you want is for your nanny to burn out, so give them the time they need. 

Give Thoughtful Gifts

Don’t wait until Christmas or a birthday to shower your nanny with little gifts. Over time, you’ll get to know their personality and their likes/dislikes. Use that to your advantage when picking out thoughtful gifts for them – and, do it “just because”. Some clever ideas for gifts include: 

  • Self-care care packages
  • Tickets to their favorite musician
  • A “spa day” gift certificate
  • Appreciation coupons for everything from a day off to a cup of coffee (it’s great to get your kids involved in making these!)

Check In With Them

Sometimes, the best way you can show your appreciation is simply to say it out loud

A genuine, heartfelt “thank you” can go a long way when your nanny knows you mean it. Check in with them frequently and let them know how much you appreciate everything they do for your family. Having someone notice and appreciate your work is an incredible feeling. 

Making sure your nanny is content and happy not only makes you a good employer, but it also helps to ensure that they will stick with you and your family as long as possible. If you’ve found someone who makes a big difference in your kids’ lives while making your own life easier, do what you can to show them how much you appreciate everything they do. The smallest gestures can make a big difference. 


Jori Hamilton is an experienced writer residing in the Northwestern U.S. She covers a wide range of topics but takes a particular interest in covering topics related to family life and healthy living. To learn more about Jori, you can follow her on Twitter.

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