The Importance of Connection to Newborns

INA Blog The Importance of Connection to NewbornsBonding with your new baby is something that is unlike any other type of bonding you’ll experience in your lifetime. The connection that forms between parents and their newborns helps facilitate a stronger bond of love and affection, and it gives the baby the sense of security they need. 

How do babies bond? 

Bonding is an essential part of a baby’s development. Most babies are ready to connect and bond immediately. After birth, parents are encouraged to have regular ‘skin-to-skin’ contact with the child to help facilitate this intense attachment that happens. Whether it takes just a short time or it takes a little bit longer to connect, once a strong bond is established, your child will benefit significantly.

Babies generally bond well with touch. This is an early form of language for them that shows them that they are loved and cared for. Skin-to-skin touch is soothing for them and helps promote your child’s development, in addition to gently rocking, or stroking their back or head/hair. Eye contact is also a way to communicate and connect with your baby. Once they get older, they will look to you to imitate facial expressions and gestures. 

Voices are another way that you can connect with your baby. Of course, they don’t understand what you’re saying at first, but the sound of your voice becomes familiar and comforting. Don’t be afraid to talk to your baby about what you’re doing while you’re holding them or carrying them around the house. Introduce them to different activities and environments. Once they start growing, they will find their voice and start learning how to vocalize what they need.  

For parents who are not breastfeeding, you can still bond with bottle feeding. This is also a great way for fathers to form a special bond with the baby. Bonding can also happen through regular reading and bath times, holding them in a baby carrier while you’re doing routine activities, or while singing. These are simple ways to show your baby that you love them and that they can count on you. 

Parenting a newborn takes nearly all of your attention and a lot of energy and patience. But the feeling of connection and love that you experience – even on the most exhausting days – is something that will give you the extra boost of stamina you need. Bonding takes time and it’s a very personal experience. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all magic formula or timeline, parents and babies that bond will have a connection that carries them through the many ups and downs of life. 


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