Whether it’s sticking to a new diet plan, reprogramming your brain to wake up and work out at a certain time every day, or learning a new skill that will benefit you personally or professionally – if you struggle with a lack of consistency in your life, identify why that is and why it’s important. Perhaps you’re only focused on the moment and not on the outcome. Or maybe you’re aiming toward perfection and for getting that consistency doesn’t mean you have to be all or nothing. For instance, if you set a new goal to reach, realize that it might take some baby steps to get there.
Consistence truly means seeing the accumulation of your efforts over time. In other words, consistent actions will help you reach your goals.
Here are some ways to overcome a lack of consistency in your life.
#1: Assess your life and where you want to grow, then take one thing at a time.
What areas do you want to improve in when it comes to your personal or professional life? Analyze your career, your relationships, finances, your mental and physical health, and other parts of your life that are important to you. Spot the areas that you want to work on and then, focus on each thing one at a time.
For example, if you want to learn a new language this year, sign up for a class and be realistic that you won’t be fluent by the end of it – it might take several classes and even tutoring to help you get to that level. If you want to make a change to your diet by changing what you eat or minimizing how much you drink, remember that it’s a day-by-day thing. Write down a detailed eating plan for that day and stick to it as much as you can, then take the next day as it comes. Planning to go cold turkey on cutting out all junk food, reducing your sugar intake, or not ever drinking a soda or glass of wine ever again can feel like a huge leap and could set you up for failure.
Making small and consistent steps toward progress will help you not feel pressured, overwhelmed, or weighed down by the work that it’s going to take to get where you want to go.
#2: Focus on discipline.
While it will take some motivation to help you reach goals and stay consistent in life, remember that motivation can ebb and flow. You might not feel like getting up and exercising one day, but the other day you might feel more empowered to get out of bed and head to the gym. You might not feel motivated every day to complete a professional certification that will help you advance your career, but if you stay disciplined in doing it, you’ll get further in life. Motivation can be fleeting, but fostering a sense of discipline and consistency is permanent and will help you shine.
#3: Minimize distractions and know that challenges will arise.
When it comes to consistency, it helps to minimize distractions that are working to divert your attention elsewhere. Quieting your mind or getting rid of external distractions that can get you off track will help you stay present at your task or goal at hand. With that, know that distractions and challenges will happen from time to time – and that’s okay. You’re not perfect and you don’t need to hold yourself to an unattainable goal. Anticipate that you will struggle at times to maintain progress or consistency, but don’t stay trapped in that place. If you can focus your efforts on things that are worth pursuing – just one habit at a time – you’ll feel inspiration to continue onward.
Once you find your new, consistent rhythm of making goals and reaching them, you’ll likely be more joyful. So, enjoy the ride and get ready to experience a more successful and more fulfilling life!