Blog Unlocking Success The Power of Attending Nanny Agency Conferences (1)by APNA

In the ever changing world of nanny agencies, staying ahead of the curve is not just beneficial—it’s essential. As an agency owner, you’re tasked not only with the responsibility of matching families with the perfect caregiver but also with navigating the evolving landscape of childcare trends, laws, and best practices. In our industry, continuous learning and networking is imperative to running a successful business.

One of the most effective ways to stay abreast of industry developments and forge valuable connections is by attending nanny agency conferences such as the annual conferences held by the Association of Premier Nanny Agencies (APNA) and International Nanny Association (INA). These events serve as invaluable platforms for professional growth, offering a wealth of insights, networking opportunities, and inspiration. We had some agency owners around the world weigh in with tips to make the most out of attending a nanny agency conference!

Invest in Yourself: Learn, Connect, Grow

Tonya Sakowicz, owner and founder of Newborn Care Solutions and The NCS Agency advises, “Remember that this is an investment in you and your future; use this time to learn both from speakers and other attendees.” Speakers are a wealth of knowledge but learning from your peers is just as important!

Networking: Where Opportunities Flourish

Networking lies at the heart of conference experiences, creating meaningful connections and collaborations. Sakowicz suggests immersing oneself fully in the conference environment, noting, “Stay at the conference hotel unless you absolutely cannot… much of the great networking occurs ‘after hours.'” Often the post-session meals and gatherings give opportunities for some of the most impactful conversations. 

Embrace the Unscripted Moments

Michelle Kelsey, Nannies on Call and The Nanny Solution, advocates for seizing every opportunity for engagement beyond the confines of scheduled sessions. She encourages attendees to mingle outside of the sessions, “Don’t just stick to the schedule… join others for lunch, say yes to dinner invites, and chat with people when you’re walking around.” 

Maximize Your Presence: Early Arrival, Late Departure

Louise Dunham owner and founder of Placement Solutions in Melbourne, Australia emphasizes the importance of making the most of your time at the conference venue. “Try and get to a conference location early and leave a day or two late, so you can actively engage with people new and old, and have time to digest and absorb new information,” she advises. Often you need a day or two to really process all of the information you gather during a conference. Staying a day or two after the conference has ended helps give you time to put together a plan for actionable steps. Once you get home,  you are often too quickly thrown back into family life and the day to day of running your business that it is hard to implement new things you have learned. 

Jennifer Hassett, owner of A Perfect Fit Nanny Agency, elaborates on this sentiment, “Pick 2-3 things you’ve learned that you’d like to execute after the conference.” By honing in on key takeaways, you can work on improvements within your agency without getting too overwhelmed.

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

Brooke Blazevich, owner of Nanny Harmony offered some great advice, “Think of conferences as a great chance to get out of your comfort zone. Attend at least a couple presentations on topics that might be outside of your “norm” and you’ll be surprised how much inspiration you can gain from others. For example, you might think “as an agency, I’m not interested in offering backup care” but an industry expert may leave your wheels turning in a very inspecting way!”

Embrace the Journey

Attending a nanny agency conference isn’t just about acquiring information; it’s about taking time to get motivated and excited about your business and meeting new people! Jennifer Hasset advises, “Have fun! The people you meet may end up becoming some of your best friends.” So, embrace the opportunities, forge meaningful connections, and let the spirit of learning and friendship propel you towards success in your nanny agency. 

APNA invites all agency owners and staff to the 2024 APNA Annual Conference, October 23-25, 2024 in Oceanside, CA. All are welcome to join us. Registration begins June 1 for members and June 11 for the general public. Not a member? Consider joining today and upon approval get member pricing for conference registrations for you and your staff! For more resources visit Sponsored Blog 2024 Conference APNA

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