Week 5 of Nanny of the Year Portfolio Process

By Marcia Hall, 2011 INA NOTY

This week you will finish the professional history segment of your portfolio. This is found on page 17 of the nomination packet. You will want to type or gather these:

1. “Certificates and Documents”
2. “Publications and Presentations”
3. “Media Appearances and Awards.”

You may or may not be able to complete all the pages allowed for these sections. Don’t worry if some of these do not apply to you. Not all NOTY’s have had them.

In Certificates and Documents include copies of documentation of any extra classes that you took. They may be associated with degrees you listed previously. Certificates from INA Annual Conferences attended, local nanny support groups, agencies or other nanny training sessions can be included. Certificates or proof that you took additional continuing education classes through a local community college that was related to children and/or child development can also be included.

Publications and presentation are any classes you taught to adults regarding care of children or any other child care related topic. Publications could be an article you wrote for a blog or newsletter.

Media appearances and awards refer to any time you have been interviewed in a professional manner or received or was nominated for an award relating to children (like a Spark Award)

Quick Links to the previous weeks of the NOTY Portfolio Process

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