2021 NOTY Portfolio Breakdown – Step Two

We are continuing to walk you through the 2021 NOTY™ process. In this step, you will work on Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the NOTY™ Digital Portfolio.

Section 1 – Questionnaire. In this section, you will need to answer questions regarding your social media, employment status, INA conference attendance, criminal record, previous NOTY™ nominations, your special skills and other conferences, classes or training you have received pertaining to childcare. These should be simple and straightforward to fill out.

Section 2 – Cover Letter. This week you should write the first draft of your cover letter. We do not recommend you type this directly in the NOTY™ form online but in a separate document that can be saved and edited in the future. This letter will need to explain to the NOTY™ Selection Panel what being a nanny means to you, how your career has impacted the children in your care and why you should be selected as the NOTY™. The cover letter should be 500 words or less, however, to begin with, you should not worry about word count, just write. Once you have completed it this week, set it aside. You will come back to it in a few weeks to polish it up.

For a lot of nannies, this is the most difficult part of the nomination process. We are asking you to sell your abilities and strengths and tell us not only why you are a great nanny, but why you would make a notable example to all professional nannies. As nannies, we tend to want to underplay what we are capable of, our assets and our contributions to those around us and in the nanny field. We spend so much time caring for others and helping to mold them into great human beings we often forget how great WE are as human beings and we rarely know how to tell people about it. This is where you want to share how you “shine” as a great person and nanny.

Pump yourself up. Read through your letters of recommendation from the past and present. Ask friends and family what qualities and assets you bring to them and others. Make sure to talk to the person who is nominating you and ask him or her why you should be the 2021 NOTY™. Don’t be shy. Give yourself credit and shine for the person you are and be sure to answer the questions listed above.

Section 3 – Education. In this space, you will be giving us the information of any official educational programs including high school, college, technical school or diploma programs that you have completed.

Please remember that this blog is meant to be a helpful suggestion on how to break down the process and you do not have to use it. If you have any questions please contact INA Membership Services Office by phone at 888.878.1477 or by email at admin@nanny.org. Please include “NOTY Question” in the subject line of your email.

Quick Links to the previous weeks of the NOTY Application Process


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