Entrepreneurial Bravery: What it looks like and how to use it

INA Blog Entrepreneurial Bravery What it looks like and how to use it 1Being an entrepreneur means opening a door into the unknown. No matter how well you know your industry or how hard you prepare for everything to go as planned, entrepreneurship requires being willing to take things as they come and find solutions as problems arise. Bravery is the key to being a successful entrepreneur that goes the distance. It requires a commitment to stepping out into territories that may have never been explored before. Here are some keys to walking in bravery throughout your entrepreneurial journey. 

Share your goals.
Being an entrepreneur – either in business or as a nanny – means sharing your goals with people around you. What professional goals do you have for yourself personally? What are your business goals? Think in detail about those and voice them. Surround yourself with other professionals in your field to gain insight and support, so you can better execute what you want.

Recognize when to press ahead or say no.
Entrepreneurs often have a lot of ideas, and it requires bravery to determine which ones are good and which ones need to be put on the back burner. When you share your ideas or goals, listen to the advice of others – your customers or clients, your colleagues, or other entrepreneurs. Even good ideas need to be shelved once in a while – you simply won’t have time to follow through with every decision and knowing when to pump the brakes is good.

Don’t get too comfortable.
Part of being a brave entrepreneur is doing things that you don’t love or trying things that you’ve never done before. If you want to evolve as a leader, grow personally, and ultimately fuel your business’ growth, you must be able to push yourself to new areas and learn things from those experiences.

Remember that you’re your biggest asset, so take care of yourself.
While invigorating, entrepreneurship is exhausting at times, too. Especially at the beginning when things are taking shape and you are working hard to grow, it can be easy to invest so much that you forget about your own health and wellbeing. Bravery doesn’t mean sacrificing yourself in a way that hurts yourself. On the contrary, bravery requires knowing when it’s time to stop, energize yourself and rest. This will make you a stronger, more confident entrepreneur that has greater potential to do big things.

Entrepreneurs have vision, a willingness to think outside the box, and have the guts to rise – even when it takes time or failures to create success.

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