We have come to the end of our INA Exam week and have one last bit of news to share with you about our Nanny Basic Skills Assessment. Many agencies find this 40 question test helpful when evaluating their nannies to confirm that the caregiver has the basic and required knowledge to go into someone’s home and safely care for children. To make it easier for agencies to offer this, we have created a new (smaller) year subscription of the assessment. You can now get 100 tests that you can utilize online throughout the year for just $127 if you are an INA Member, and $150 if you are not a member. If you need more than 100 assessments in a year, you can always purchase a larger package.

Remember that you can offer this test to your nannies in English or Spanish at this price. When you purchase the subscription, you receive a link to both tests and can ask your applicant which version he or she would like to take. And, now that our Newborn Care Specialist Credential Exam is complete, we will be working on an NCS Basic Skills Assessment as well!

It has been our great pleasure to bring Exam Week to you this week. We have unveiled our new Virtual Proctor system that allows you to take our credential exams via computer, laptop or device virtually anywhere!  The process has been explained fully both on our website and during Wednesday’s Town Hall meeting. Large groups such as local support groups or those at conferences may still take the exam on paper for the original discounted price. We have talked about our impressive new Newborn Care Specialist Credential Exam and ways in which we are striving to translate our exams into other languages to make them more accessible to our international audience.  

You too can add one or both of these logos to your professional portfolio.  Look here to find an INA Credentialed Nanny or INA Credentialed NCS where you live and see if they will help you study. That way, families looking for the best of the best near them will be able to find your name here as well.  What a great way for families to find you!

Need one final demonstration that taking the Nanny and or NCS Credential Exam is worth the time, money and effort? How about we hear from our current Nanny of the Year – Heidi Joline.

How to describe the INA nanny credential exam in just a quote…. you can’t.

I took the exam to prove to myself that what I do is right, what I do matters and what I do is important. Of course, I was petrified, you hear the word exam and your brain goes numb. Those doubting words swirl around “can I do this?” “do I really know all of it?” “am I good enough?” The answer is YES!!

The INA nanny exam showed me that I am a career nanny. That I do know “my stuff”. My bosses and close friends had no doubt in my ability to pass the exam. Showing them my certificate, they all said of course!! We never would think any differently – you could take it in your sleep. But the proud looks on all their faces spoke more than words. And that’s important.

What also came from taking the exam was spreading the word of the INA, to those that didn’t know what it was. And even those people, their faces were proud. Knowing that I achieved something great.

For anyone unsure and on the fence about taking the exam. You got this, you know this, you are amazing. Is it great for your resume? Of course. Is it cool to say I’m a credentialed nanny? Um yeah! But you know what’s the best thing? Knowing that what you do every day is inside you. That nannying is in your blood, your heart and your mind.

Heidi Joline
2019 INA Nanny of the Year


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