In case you missed it, yesterday was the roll-out of our new Virtual Proctoring Nanny Credential Exam (NCE) and Newborn Care Specialist Credential Exam (NCSCE)!  Now you don’t have to obtain a proctor to take these exams, you can take them on your own home computer or laptop!  It’s easier than ever to be known as one of the best of the best! Also, for the month of May 2019 only, INA Members can get $10 off the cost of either the Online Proctored NCE or the NCSCE (or both!), just purchase these exams by May 31, 2019, from the INA Store. Exciting right?  

In 2018 the INA successfully translated the updated version of the Nanny Basic Skills Exam (NBSA) into Spanish. We would very much like to do that with the NCE and the NCSCE exam in 2019, but the cost to do this would be around $3000 per language. We are seeking a sponsor or donors who are willing to fund this project. We also have the ability and desire to translate them into virtually any language of our choosing. What language should be next? Would you or your company be willing to sponsor the translation of one or more exams into Spanish? French? German? Italian? Portuguese? Hindi? Dutch? Japanese? Mandarin? Another language? If you know of someone who would be interested in sponsoring this wonderful inclusive and internationally reaching project, please contact the office at

With more exams to choose from, an easier way to take them, AND the possibility of multiple languages to make them more accessible across the globe? The INA is making your membership and your credential more valuable than ever! Don’t take our word for it. Listen to what Janette Collins of Northvale, NJ has to say about it.

“I wanted to do everything I could to get a top tier job. I had the experience, I just needed something that would help me stand out from the rest of the nannies that would be vying for the same positions. I chose to take the INA credential exam. Then I sent my resume off to several agencies. I got responses from each and everyone I contacted. They all commented on how easy it was going to be to place me. I was sent to interview for jobs that I had always dreamed about. My rate went up significantly. Being a credentialed nanny has put me exactly where I always wanted to be. It’s well worth the time and effort I spent to be able to put INA credentialed nanny on my resume.”

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