How To Teach Your Child To Thank Other People From An Early Age

How To Teach Your Child To Thank Other People From An Early Age 1By Kristen Bray

Teaching your child to thank others is integral to developing good manners and social skills. It can start with saying “thank you” after receiving a gift or kind deed from someone else. Here are some examples of how to teach your child to thank other people from an early age:

Model Good Manners

Gratitude and thankfulness are the two most essential traits of the heart. We have learned that the words you speak have a more significant impact on your child than any  form of discipline. As the saying goes, children learn not from what you do but from what you say.

Tell about trusted adults

Yet you can only sometimes be around to supervise what they do. Thus, you should explain which adults the child should listen to. It can be the nanny and/or grandparents. Let them know they’re safe and doing the right thing, so you must tell them what’s okay and what isn’t.

Lead kids by good example

Show your child by example that thanking others is polite and necessary by thanking people yourself in their presence whenever you receive something or help from another person – even if it’s just a smile.

Create scenarios

Have them role-play scenarios with you where they practice saying thank you, such as meeting someone new or receiving a gift. It will teach them to be polite and show appreciation in any situation.

Reward Your Child

Whenever your child says “thank you” in the right way, reward them with treats, hugs, words of affirmation, or other rewards they can look forward to every time they do the right thing. You or a nanny also need to explain why it is good so that they understand why it’s essential for them to show their gratitude.

Praise kids

Offer positive reinforcement when your child says “thank you” correctly or remembers to say it unprompted. For example, you can provide verbal praise such as “I’m so proud of you” or a small treat as a reward. It will teach them that being polite is something they should do without being asked.

Make Saying Thank You a Habit

Have your child practice thanking others by using a stuffed animal or doll as the recipient, and teach them to say “thank you” for any gift or kind deed. Train the habit of saying “thank you” by prompting them to do it whenever they receive something or get help from someone. This approach will teach them that it is important to show appreciation after receiving anything, no matter how small it may seem. The point is to add some value to this gift.

Make it Fun

Play fun games that involve thanking others, like “Thank You” tag, where each person takes turns tagging someone else while saying “thank you” afterward. It can teach your child to be thankful for the help and kindness of others.

Be Patient

Teaching your children to thank other people from an early age is essential, but it only happens after a while, so don’t expect too much too soon. The key is to be patient and consistent in teaching them how to say “thank you” correctly. Your child will eventually learn this vital life lesson with enough practice and positive reinforcement.


Teaching your children to thank others early can help instill good manners and social skills that will stay with them for years. It may take some time and effort on your part, but it’s worth it for the sake of your child’s future relationships. Good luck!



Kristen Bray is a professional writer and а blogger. She has been working as an editor at а Best Essays Education. Kristen mainly covers topics such as blogging, digital marketing, and self-education. In her free time, she practices yoga and also travels.


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