INA Board Spotlight: Laura R Schroeder

In our ongoing series spotlighting your INA Board Of Directors, we will get to know Laura R Schroeder a little better. Laura’s Board seat is as Director, Chair of the Member Advantage Committee and Co-Chair of the Caregiver Mentor and Exam Development Committees.

We asked Laura to tell us about her job in the nanny field: 

“I am a nanny/ house manager for a high net worth family with 3 girls in Charleston, SC. I also run an active nanny support group in the area and love to mentor nannies new to this profession. In addition, I work every week with the very busy nursery at my family’s church. In my “spare” time I enjoy using my Positive Discipline Parent Educator Certification to teach gentle parenting techniques to parents and nannies locally and elsewhere.”


When we asked her what brought her to the Nanny profession: 

“I was originally educated and trained as a social worker but life changed when my two sons were diagnosed with autism in 1994. This prompted me to open a licensed family daycare in my home while my children received home-based therapy.  It was also the beginning of my true love of childcare and the teaching of young children in a home setting. As my sons (and later my daughter!) started school, I moved out of home daycare and into nanny care. Now, I can’t imagine doing anything else. I believe it is truly my life’s calling. When I am with a child I am in my happy place.”


We asked Laura what brought her to the INA: 

“I started attending National Nanny Training Day (NNTD) in 2012, and Nannypalooza in 2013. I was eager to join and attend anything to advance my nanny career and be “the best.” Joining the INA was a natural next step and I did so in 2014. In 2016 I won the conference endowment and attended my first INA Conference. I knew then that I wanted to become even more involved with this amazing organization!”


When asked what she finds most beneficial about the INA: 

“How can you name one thing? I think the conference is simply outstanding, and there is truly something for everyone who wants to get more involved.  I’m very excited about the new INA Members Only Facebook Group. It’s full of top of the line professionals who can answer questions and give advice – drama free!  In addition, we are offering resume & business workshops, a book club, and more!  Don’t wait, get involved!”


We asked Laura what she feels she brings to the INA: 

“As an educated, compassionate nanny with a wide variety of life experiences, I bring a unique voice to the Board. I have a passion for children and nannies that I believe in my heart and soul.”  


When asked what are some goals she hopes to accomplish while on the board:

“I have only been on the Board for 7 months, but I’ve learned so much. Foremost that your INA Board is full of the most hardworking, brilliant women! I am excited to be working together with Thaty Oliveira to rework our Caregiver Mentor Program to reach a wider audience through the new Facebook Group and special monthly events as well as 1:1 assistance. We are also hoping to promote the Basic Skills Assessment and Credentialing Exams and offer them in Spanish. The Member Advantage Program announced at the 2017 conference will allow INA members to get discounts on relevant items through their member portal. I’m excited to add many more companies to that list!


Lastly, we asked Laura if she has a message she’d like to share INA members and the nanny industry community at large: 

“As a nanny and Board Member who has quite a lot of life experience, I feel it’s important to point out that there is more that binds us together than divides us. Let’s all work together for the betterment of the nanny community!

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