It is time to nominate your picks for Meritorious Service Award, the INA Board of Directors and apply for the Service Award Pin. All deadlines, details, and needed links for these awards and honors are listed below.
Service Award Pin
Deadline March 22, 2021

- Be a current INA member.
- Work legally in the country of employment within the in-home childcare industry for a minimum of 1,200 hours per year and be able to tell us the hours you’ve worked.
- Pay the 2021 Service Pin Award Processing fee that can be found in the INA Estore of $35. (Product #8)
- Complete the digital application
The 2021 Service Award Pin application will ask to provide us with:
- Contact and other basic information
- Year pin you are applying for and a Work History confirming this time in the industry
- Professional affiliations and involvement in the industry
- 3 References
- A 200-word biography written in 3rd person
- Professional headshot (no selfies or other people)
- 2 additional images of you. (Others can be included. If children present, INA will need to have a waiver signed by the child’s parent or legal guardian)
Meritorious Service Award
Deadline March 22, 2021

- Be a current INA member who has been a strong, sustained supporter of the International Nanny Association and its mission.
- Cannot have received remuneration for the activities supporting the INA in the last 12 months. The individual is a volunteer whose activities support the INA.
- Be nominated by someone other than yourself.
To nominate someone for the 2021 Meritorious Service Award, fill out this application. You will be asked to provide us with:
- Contact information for both nominator and nominee
- Individuals contribution to the INA over the last 35 years (or less)
- Why you feel this person should be an INA Meritorious Service Award Recipient
Board of Directors Nomination
Deadline February 15, 2021

- Be a current INA Member.
- Previous attendance at a minimum of one INA conference (this requirement may be waived in certain specific instances).
- Previous INA Committee work is a plus but not required.
- Prepared to commit to being on the INA Board of Directors for a minimum of 10 years.
You MAY nominate yourself or someone else for the INA Board of Directors. Fill out this application. You will be asked to::
- Provide us with contact information for both Nominee and Nominator (if different from the Nominee)
- Explain why you feel this person (or you if nominating yourself) would be a valuable addition to the INA Board of Directors.
After the Nomination is received, the Nominee will be asked to answer the following additional questions. Questions with a * will be shared with the INA Members for voting purposes
- What year did you attend your last INA Conference?
- Have you ever served on the INA Board of Directors?
- If you have ever served on an INA Committee or supported the INA through any type of service, please explain how. (Examples of other service can include anything having to do with INA Conferences, Webinars, Town Halls, or other events)
- *What special skills or talents do you have that would be valuable for INA? (For example: writing, public relations, finance, advertising, law/legal, marketing, fundraising, governmental, etc.)
- *What committees are you interested in being involved with?
- *What do you feel is the most important contribution you can make to the INA Board of Directors?
- *Why do you want to be on the INA Board of Directors?
- What additional personal or professional information would you like to share that would shed further light on your Nomination?
- 3 References: One reference MUST be an INA Member.
- Nominee Bio 150-200 words, in third person.